Both men and women can be concerned or embarrassed about fullness under the chin. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, weight gain, and aging, and is often unresolvable through diet and exercise alone.

Belkyra treatment is a solution designed to help. This treatment can remove stubborn fat beneath the chin to give you a more defined jawline.

How Does Belkyra Work?

Belkyra, also known as Kybella, is a man-made version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in our bodies that aids in the breakdown of dietary fat. This cosmetic procedure is used to improve the contour of the jawline and reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Belkyra works by destroying fat cells in the targeted area, preventing them from storing or accumulating fat.

Belkyra Injections

Belkyra treatment consists of injecting small amounts of the solution under the chin. The procedure is usually done in a doctor’s office and can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the extent of the treatment area.

Using a fine needle, small amounts of Belkyra are injected into the targeted area. The solution dissolves the fat cells, which are then metabolized and eliminated from the body naturally. The number of injections you receive will be determined by the scope of your treatment.

A young woman's face resculpted to reduce chin fat and give her a more defined and sharp jawline.

Before & After Belkyra

It’s important to consult with a licensed healthcare professional before beginning Belkyra treatment. During the consultation, your healthcare professional can assess the extent of your under-chin fullness and determine whether Belkyra treatment is the best option for you.

They will also give you a thorough explanation of the procedure and what to expect during and after treatment. You may experience some side effects in the treatment area, including:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Numbness

Who Can Get Belkyra?

The Belkyra treatment is appropriate for both men and women and is an excellent choice for those looking to improve their appearance without undergoing surgery.

Here are some signs that Belkyra treatment may be right for you:

Your Double Chin Is Resistant to Diet

If you live a healthy lifestyle but still have a double chin, Belkyra treatment may be the solution for you. If diet and exercise have not yielded the desired results, consult with your healthcare provider about a personalized Belkyra treatment plan.

You’re Looking for a Surgery Alternative

Belkyra treatment produces excellent results without the high costs, lengthy recovery times, and risks associated with cosmetic surgery. Belkyra treatment may be appropriate for you if you’re looking for an alternative to surgery.

You’re at a Stable Weight

Belkyra treatment isn’t a replacement for weight loss; it’s most effective for people close to their ideal weight and who want to get rid of stubborn fat under the chin.

You Have Mild Skin Laxity

If you have mild to moderate skin laxity, Belkyra treatment could be beneficial to you. However, if you have severe skin laxity or sagging skin under your chin, your doctor may advise you on other options.

Who Shouldn’t Get Belkyra?

Belkyra is intended for people with moderate to severe fullness under the chin and isn’t recommended for people with very little fat in the targeted area or who are significantly overweight.

Furthermore, Belkyra is not recommended for:

  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • People who have difficulty swallowing
  • People who have an active infection in the treatment area
  • People who have had or are planning to have facial surgery

To determine if Belkyra treatment is right for you, you should speak with a licensed healthcare professional. Additionally, to ensure that your Belkyra treatment is safe and effective for you, inform your healthcare professional of any medical conditions or medications you are taking.

Is Belkyra Safe?

Belkyra has been approved for use by Health Canada and is considered safe for use by Canadian medical professionals.

When Will I See the Results?

Within 2–4 weeks of the procedure, many patients notice an improvement in the appearance of their double chin.

The time it takes to see results varies depending on the individual and the size of the treatment area. Several treatment sessions are often required to achieve the desired result.

The number of treatments required will be determined by your response to the procedure as well as the size of the treatment area.

To ensure the best possible outcome, it’s also important to follow all post-treatment instructions provided by your doctor. Belkyra treatment produces long-term results, and the treated fat cells are permanently destroyed, so you can enjoy a defined jawline for years to come.

Ready to Try Belkyra for Yourself?

Belkyra treatment, with its quick results and long-term benefits, is an excellent alternative to invasive procedures with lengthy recovery times.

If you want to learn more about Belkyra treatment and whether it’s right for you, request a consultation with Remington Laser. 

Your journey to becoming a more confident version of yourself begins with a simple consultation.

April is Rosacea Awareness Month, and we want to shed light on one of its more severe forms, rhinophyma. This skin condition can be incredibly distressing for those who experience it, but if you’re living with rhinophyma, you’re not alone.

Rhinophyma is a skin condition that affects the nose, causing it to become thick, bumpy, and enlarged. It is a misunderstood condition that can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem and quality of life.

The physical changes that come with this condition can be tough to deal with, but there are treatment options available, such as CO2 laser treatment.

What Is Rhinophyma?

Rhinophyma is a skin condition that’s also a type of rosacea, which is a skin disease that commonly affects the face and causes redness and acne. Unlike rosacea, rhinophyma is a more severe form of the condition that affects only the nose.

Rhinophyma causes the skin’s sebaceous (oil) glands to become overactive, as a result, the nose grows in size and thickness, giving it a bumpy, red, and enlarged appearance. Other things that may be visible on the skin include:

  • Visible blood vessels
  • Pits
  • Scars
  • Large pores that can secrete whiteheads and blackheads

Signs of Rhinophyma

The main sign of rhinophyma is the development of a red, bumpy nose. The nose may become bulbous, with bumps and pimples appearing on its surface.

The condition may also cause the nose to be tender and sensitive to the touch. In some cases, the nose may also get misshapen.

Causes of Rhinophyma

The exact cause of rhinophyma is not known, but it’s associated with rosacea. Rosacea is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Some common triggers of rosacea include:

  • Wind or sun exposure
  • Stress
  • Hot or spicy foods 
  • Exercise

Rhinophyma Treatment

Rhinophyma is typically treated by reducing the oil glands in the nose. 

It was previously treated using traditional surgical methods such as plastic surgery with a scalpel technique or electrocautery. These methods, however, often resulted in scarring and insufficient improvement.

An aesthetician performing Co2 laser treatment to treat a woman for rhinophyma at our dermatology in calgary.

CO2 Laser

Fortunately, technological advancements have resulted in a more effective and minimally invasive treatment option, the UltraPulse CO2 laser.

The UltraPulse CO2 laser works by bloodlessly vaporizing the skin, shrinking excess oil glands, and allowing the doctor to systematically reshape the nose.

CO2 laser treatment is widely regarded as excellent for treating rhinophyma and has transformed the way the condition is managed.

In addition to the CO2 laser, vascular laser treatments to collapse prominent blood vessels may be recommended before or in conjunction with the laser treatment.

The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in a single session at Remington Laser’s non-hospital surgical site. The recovery time is about 2 weeks, and patients can expect to see a significant improvement in the appearance of their nose after treatment.

If you have decided to have CO2 laser treatment for your rhinophyma, you must properly prepare to achieve the best possible results. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Take your regular medications.
  • Eat a light breakfast/lunch.
  • Wear comfortable clothing with short sleeves that don’t need to be removed over your head.
  • Arrange for a driver to drop you off and pick you up. 
  • The doctor will go over all of the post-care instructions with you and your caregiver to ensure that you understand them. Emergency contact information will also be provided, as well as follow-up appointments.

To determine the best course of action for your specific needs, always consult with your dermatologist.

Ready for Rhinophyma?

If you’re experiencing rhinophyma symptoms, it’s important that you consult a specialist. Seeing a professional, such as those at Remington Laser Dermatology Clinic, will help you gain an accurate diagnosis and have access to the best treatment options for you.

Our team can advise you on the best course of action to achieve clear, smooth skin on your nose. Whether you choose CO2 laser treatment or another option, you can be confident that you’re in good hands with the Remington Laser team.

Surgical nose jobs, or rhinoplasties, are among the most poorly understood procedures by consumers today. Generally speaking, it is widely thought that nose jobs offer a permanent solution to unwanted nose contour challenges and difficulty with breathing. In most cases, this is simply not the case. 

Most surgical nose jobs result in disappointing aesthetic results and, oftentimes, lead to complications with breathing due to collapsed nasal valves. Surgical revisions often render patients with limited, if any, improvement and can often make the nose appear worse and decrease functionality.

As a result of numerous surgical nose job complications, there has been a rising interest in nonsurgical rhinoplasty with hyaluronic (HA) dermal fillers to help improve nose contour and functionality. The advantages of nonsurgical nose jobs are numerous including the ability to deliver treatment with a much shorter and far less invasive procedure.

How Is a Nonsurgical Nose Job Performed?

The nonsurgical, or liquid, rhinoplasty can be performed without anesthesia, other than the application of topical numbing cream just prior to this 30-minute procedure. Patients are awake while receiving injections with tiny needles the size of a pore and generally tolerate the procedure very well.

The Benefits of Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty

In many cases, the visual results are immediate and patients often enjoy improved breathing before leaving the clinic. 

Nonsurgical nose jobs often involve very minimal discomfort, swelling, bruising, and redness. If a patient does experience these symptoms, they usually resolve quite quickly.

Since the nonsurgical rhinoplasty does NOT require sedation, risk can be minimized significantly as opposed to the surgical approach. The treatment typically takes less than half an hour, and uses minimally invasive techniques, offering far less risk of infection, swelling, bruising, and downtime, whereas surgical rhinoplasty requires sedation, is much more invasive, and requires many days or weeks of uncomfortable recovery time.

HA Dermal Filler Results

The immediate advantages of HA dermal fillers with a nonsurgical nose job procedure are obvious. The long-term results are equally as impressive since HA dermal fillers continue to build collagen, elastin, and tissue integrity over time. 

How Long Does a Nonsurgical Nose Job Last?

Patients can get great longevity from the nonsurgical nose job with HA dermal fillers, and the rebuilding process continues to work for many months afterwards. With the advancements in top-grade HA dermal fillers today, patients can enjoy many months to years of great results with nonsurgical rhinoplasty without revision. If a minor touch-up is required, often less HA dermal filler is used to keep the nose at its optimal shape and function.

Common Misconceptions About Surgical Nose Jobs

One of the biggest misconceptions about surgical approaches to nose jobs is that it is permanent. This is most often not the case as evidenced by requests from patients who request revisions due to unsatisfactory surgical results or changes over time. 

It is not uncommon for too much cartilage to be removed during surgical rhinoplasty, rendering the patient with newfound breathing challenges and undesirable aesthetic outcomes. With HA dermal fillers, tissue is actually strengthened on and around the nose to provide support where needed, improving function and form. 

With the correct choice of HA dermal filler, it can be added or dissolved as needed with minimal risk or downtime, whereas post-surgical challenges are extremely difficult to revise, often leading to long-term challenges. HA dermal fillers are extremely versatile, and they can be revised as necessary to keep your nose looking and functioning at its best as you mature over time.

An expert dermatologist performing a non-surgical rhinoplasty treatment on a female patient using injectable fillers.

Nonsurgical Options Are Rising in Popularity

With either nonsurgical or surgical nose jobs, it is important to understand that neither offer permanent solutions, each requiring attention over time. With heightened risks with general anesthesia, possible infection, and permanent undesirable results with surgical nose jobs, the nonsurgical rhinoplasty is gaining popularity for its ability to improve the nose both functionally and aesthetically with little risk or downtime.

Discuss Your Options with Us

Whether you want to discuss cosmetic alterations or you’re looking to treat a condition, our trusted team is here to help.We’re here to answer your questions. To get started, book a consultation with one of our doctors.

HA (hyaluronic acid) dermal fillers have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to enhance appearance while reducing the signs of aging. Over time we all sink, sag, and wrinkle at varying rates according to our genetics and lifestyle choices. These changes occur slowly but often become noticeable in our mid to later 30s prompting many to pursue aesthetic improvement options, like injectables

Dermal fillers can be a great option for those looking to improve their appearance and can last one year or longer.

Understanding Dermal Fillers

The aesthetic marketplace today is confusing, to say the least, as far as which treatment options work best for which challenges and, more so, how to individualize these options. 

HA dermal fillers are used primarily in the face to improve overall support to areas that have slowly lost volume over time. This deflation occurs naturally at varying rates and degrees over time, according to the influences of age, genetics, and lifestyle choices. 

HA dermal fillers have become more widely accepted as a treatment of choice due to their limited risk and post-treatment recovery time as opposed to more invasive surgical approaches popular in the past. That said, it is important for patients and practitioners to understand there are numerous HA dermal fillers on the market, each with its own specific indication for use.  

Understanding the nature of all HA dermal fillers, their intended use, patient medical and aesthetic history, as well as expectation for final results is vital before undergoing any injections. More important to note is that some HA dermal fillers can be readily dissolved, however some cannot—another vital component to consider prior to having treatment.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

The best HA dermal fillers on the market today offer multiple benefits but primarily work to reflate sunken tissue as well as rebuild tissue integrity over time. They work by energizing collagen and elastin to strengthen and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin, lending to a more youthful appearance over time.

When done correctly, HA dermal fillers should not be obvious, allowing for natural, refreshed, and age-appropriate results. As compared to the past, when HA dermal fillers were quite stiff and required a larger amount, the best HA dermal fillers today are much more compatible, softer, easier to contour, and offer better longevity than initial products. 

A common misconception about HA dermal fillers is that they just “fill a void,” which is only partially true. The best practitioners know not to overcorrect areas requiring attention since the skin integrity will continue to improve for months after treatment. 

What a Dermal Filler Appointment Is Like

HA dermal fillers are injected using a cannula to minimize the number of injection sites, which limits discomfort and decreases the chances of bruising and swelling. Topical numbing cream is not necessary but can be used for this procedure. A dermal filler appointment often takes less than 30 minutes.

Where You Might Get Dermal Fillers

Common treatment areas for HA dermal fillers on the face are the cheeks, nasolabial folds, mouth corners, marionette zones, jawlines, under eyes, lips, and nose, to name a few. Each area requires different approaches, techniques, and choices of HA dermal filler to optimize the best natural outcome. Various zones of the face will inevitably break down faster, such as around the mouth, whereas in the cheek and other less dynamic areas, the effects of HA dermal filler tend to last much longer.

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

HA dermal fillers are said to last one year or longer, but this does not mean you need to start over each visit. Again, since the HA dermal fillers work to rebuild and strengthen tissue, less HA filler is required with each maintenance visit since tissue integrity has improved since the initial treatment. 

Using an analogy, the initial treatment can be related to filling your gas tank, and subsequent treatments can be considered topping up your gas tank. Therefore, even though maintenance with HA dermal fillers is required since they aren’t permanent, the natural effects they leave behind can be enjoyed for months and even years.

Getting the Most Out of Your Fillers

A woman following a skincare routine after undergoing dermal filler treatment.

Skincare & Lifestyle

Best results using HA dermal fillers are achieved by using a combination approach with neuromodulators, laser treatments, and home skin care regimes. When combined with good lifestyle choices and avoiding prolonged sun exposure, your HA dermal fillers are optimized, giving you the best longevity and overall results. 

Overall health and metabolism rates can also affect longevity, which is considered when formulating your individual treatment plan. 

Medical History

When considering any aesthetic treatment, it is vital that your medical history be disclosed and reviewed prior to proceeding, especially with HA dermal fillers. Coinciding medical conditions such as cancer or autoimmune disorders can be contraindications along with any recent major dental work, so therefore, full medical history disclosure is vital to a successful outcome.


Maintenance requirements for HA dermal fillers can vary but should be assessed at least annually for best results. It is quite common for patients to maintain neuromodulators (eg. Botox, Nuceiva) every 4 to 6 months and, at the same time, have their HA dermal filler status reassessed for possible touch up. Maintenance appointments are short, often 30 minutes or less, occurring 2 to 3 times per year with very little to no downtime after each visit.

Your Journey Is Unique

Remember, every person’s experience with dermal fillers is unique, and your doctor can provide you with specific instructions tailored to your treatment plan. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Remington Laser.

Dr. Kent Remington
( Mon – Wed )

Dr. Todd Remington
( Mon – Fri )