Combination Face Treatments in Calgary

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Customized & Combined Treatments to Redefine Your Face

Every face is unique. That’s why we develop customizable treatments to help meet your unique needs.

Our team of trained dermatologists, nurses, and technicians is dedicated to providing personalized and combined treatments that deliver results. 

Whether you want help rewinding the clock, restoring function, or enhancing your natural beauty, our personalized approach is designed to find your desired results.

Discover our combination facial treatments and schedule your consultation at Remington Laser today.

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Facial Regions: Personalized to Address Your Concerns

Facial anatomy is categorized into 3 primary regions: the upper, middle, and lower face. Our customized combinations allow us to focus on specific areas of concern, whether targeting a singular region or a blend of multiple facial zones. 

Our goal is to help redefine your appearance so that you feel comfortable and confident every time you look in the mirror.

Upper Face

The upper face includes the forehead, temples, eyebrows, and under-eye regions. Most of the changes or concerns in these areas are caused by repetitive expression movements, genetics, and the natural aging process. 

When we no longer receive compliments or see ourselves differently in the mirror or in photos, combination treatments can help restore our unique beauty and self-image.

Your forehead works to lift your eyebrows and create expressions. The lifting ability of our forehead muscles influences the position of our eyebrows.

Fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead can be treated with Botox®️ or Nuceiva™️, fillers, and lasers, either alone or in combination.

The temples are adjacent to the eyes, and if hollow, they can make you look more masculine, tired or unwell, mature beyond your years, or contribute to drooping eyebrows.

Fillers and Botox®️ or Nuceiva™️ can work well in combination to re-establish contour by reflation and stabilize expression lines, which lends to a more youthful, approachable appearance.

Your eyebrows play a big role in forming expressions. When furrowed, eyebrows can make us look grumpy, angry, and less approachable overall. Multiple muscle groups work together like a pulley system to pull our eyebrows over and down.

Botox®️ and Nuceiva™️ can help target these muscle groups and minimize their movement downward, allowing the forehead muscles to lift upward.

The aim is to modify expression without creating a “frozen face.” Fillers can also help re-contour eyebrows that have lost volume and shape.

Our under eyes or “lower orbits” can have numerous challenges thanks to the aging process and genetic influences. We can look tired and older than our years thanks to volume loss, vessels, tear trough hollowing, and fat pad protrusion.

With any of these concerns, lasers, fillers, and Botox®️ or Nuceiva™️ are often used to restore natural contour, reduce vessels, and stabilize the zone while maintaining natural movement and expression.


The mid-face or middle primarily includes the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and nose. 

The cheeks can vary in size and contour according to age, genetics, and lifestyle choices. Unwanted changes can develop due to injury, surgical intervention, time, and gravity.

Combination treatments using lasers, fillers, Botox®️, or Nuceiva™️ can improve contour, function, and form within the mid-face.

Cheeks differ between men and women and can further vary according to genetic backgrounds. For instance, the apex of the cheek is the area where maximum youthful light reflection is most desirable. This zone is generally a little further “up and out” in women than in men.

Fillers are often used to reflate, not inflate, the cheek in combination with laser treatments to improve skin integrity and restore a natural, youthful appearance.

Nasolabial folds are linear folds or creases that extend down from the nose to the mouth corners and offer support to the cheeks and nose. This zone can lose volume over time with repetitive movements such as smiling, talking, and eating.

Although folds are easier to correct than creases, lasers can soften these fine lines and creases, while fillers are used to improve overall contour.

Noses can vary greatly between individuals in function and form. They support our central face and breathing ability.

Injury, surgical intervention, skin conditions, and aging can lead to changes in nose contour and sometimes even diminished breathing.

Fillers can be combined with lasers to improve skin integrity, form, and nose function. This nonsurgical option can help restore natural nose contour and improve function.

Lower Face

The lower face includes the lips, mouth corners, jawline, and chin. These areas show signs of aging with time, with jowls often being the most undesirable. 

With time, mouth corners begin to turn downward, making us look grumpy. The chin and jawline work together to frame the face. When they lose shape, this can lead to premature aging. 

In today’s world, lips are often overdone with fillers. Our approach is to create a redefined lip look that is genetically accurate and age-appropriate. 

Fillers and lasers can often restore your unique, more youthful appearance.

Lips are a popular focus in today’s world, but unfortunately, it’s all too common to see them overdone, often looking unnatural. Your natural maximum volume, shape, definition, and balance of the upper and lower lips occurs at approximately 18 years old.

Over time, lips gradually lose their natural shape and volume. Combination treatments with lasers and fillers help restore what has been lost.

We can help you achieve age-appropriate lips that mimic the ones you once had rather than the exaggerated lips often showcased in the media.

Mouth corners usually turn downward with time, which can make us look more mature and even grumpy.

Botox®️ or Nuceiva™️ can minimize this downward action. Lasers can improve skin integrity, and fillers support the zone. They work together by lifting the area above, beside, and below the mouth corners to create better support.

Since this area is dynamic, regular maintenance treatments are required to maintain the results.

The jawline frames the face and supports surrounding tissues. A well-defined jawline helps diminish jowls, frames the desirable inclusion shadow below the cheekbone, and provides youthful separation between the jawline and the neck.

In combination, lasers, fillers, Botox®️ or Nuceiva™️, and Belkyra can restore or even create a more youthful jawline with great longevity for all genders.

The chin is the base of our face. It can develop dimpling and lose volume with age, lending to a more mature appearance. Although our chins are unique according to our genetic backgrounds, they can all lose volume, skin integrity, and shape over time.
Combination treatments using lasers, fillers, Botox®️, or Nuceiva™️ can improve the overall contour of the chin.
The chin is also an extension of the jawline.
When they connect seamlessly, a more youthful appearance can be achieved. This combination treatment works well to help feminize the chin or sculpt masculine definition.

Noses: Surgical vs. Nonsurgical

Noses are the centre of our faces, playing a central role in our appearance. Nose function is also essential for breathing, which can impact overall health and well-being.

Surgical nose procedures are often seen as the only solution for injuries, malfunctions, or aesthetic changes. Yet, surgery comes with challenges such as severe discomfort, long recovery times, and high costs. It also risks complications from excessive cartilage removal.

At Remington Laser, we offer nonsurgical options using fillers and lasers to enhance nose function and appearance without the need for surgery.

Our Nonsurgical Approach: Laser & Fillers

Fillers can help restore or correct function and form through precise injections in targeted areas. Contrary to popular belief, fillers can also help reshape the nose without adding volume. 

Combination therapy with fillers and lasers can address complex issues like nose vessels and pigmentation, providing comprehensive improvements in function and form. 

Final results can appear within weeks and last for months or years, with minimal downtime. Most patients can return to normal activities within 24 to 48 hours. Maintenance is minimal, requiring touch-ups only every 1 to 2 years.

Natural-Looking Lip Enhancement

Lips are the easiest thing to do poorly, so great attention to age and ethnicity is crucial to creating a natural lip. Unfortunately, today, it’s common to see lips overfilled with filler or surgically altered with procedures that render an unnatural shape. 

The “ideal lip” is now seen in the media as fuller than the average person’s natural genetics, which has fostered a huge market for aesthetic lip procedures. 

At Remington Laser Dermatology Centre, our treatments are aimed at creating natural, genetically appropriate lips. Keeping age, anatomy, and genetics in mind, “biomimicry” is used to recreate your lips’ appearance at least 10 years ago.

How We Combine Lasers & Fillers for Lips

Lasers and fillers can help improve overall lip wrinkling and contouring without the need for permanent surgery. Laser treatments can be quick, causing minimal discomfort and downtime. However, some results may require regular upkeep.

Fillers are a popular option. It’s important to choose a professional who knows the right techniques and understands your goals, given the variety of fillers available.

We apply fillers using a uniquely compounded numbing cream and a cannula to help minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of bruising and swelling. Downtime is minimal, with most patients reporting feeling normal within 1 to 3 days.

Schedule Your Consultation

Our dermatologist-led team is here to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your facial goals. Whether you aim to enhance your look, restore function, or soften signs of aging, we can help you achieve meaningful results.

Schedule your consultation with Remington Laser Centre today.

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Contact Us

You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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