Combination Hand Rejuvenation in Calgary

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Revitalize Your Hands

Many people express themselves with hand gestures or jewelry. Our hands also play a significant role in nonverbal communication.

Our hands can give away our age, even if we look youthful elsewhere. Premature aging of the hands can result from sun exposure, lifestyle, and work demands. Many people feel self-conscious as their hands lose volume or show pigmentation.

Our innovative combination treatments can help improve your hands’ contour, pigmentation, and overall look with little discomfort or downtime. Our team offers customized treatments to help you experience visible, lasting improvement.

Schedule a consultation today.

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Hand Rejuvenation That Lasts

Many people use over-the-counter products to help prevent signs of aging in their hands. Despite using moisturizing creams and sunscreen, our hands can naturally lose volume as we age, leading to pigmented spots and more prominent veins. 

We offer treatments designed to rejuvenate your hands and deliver noticeable enhancements that can last for months or even years, all with minimal maintenance.

Our Customized Combination Approach

We find that combination treatments can significantly amplify outcomes, enhancing the satisfaction of our patients. Our approach to hand rejuvenation is customized, combining laser skin rejuvenation with fillers.

Your personalized treatment strategy is rooted in our thorough understanding of dermatological health and aesthetics, so each client receives care as unique as their skin.

Laser Treatment

Laser rejuvenation treatments can help improve unwanted pigmentation, followed by fillers, which help restore a youthful contour. To begin this rejuvenation, hands must be thoroughly hydrated and free of suntan. 

Each laser treatment session takes about 30 minutes, and most patients report very little, if any, discomfort. Depending upon the severity, more than one treatment may be required to achieve desirable results.


After your skin fully heals from laser treatment, HA fillers can be injected using a cannula device that allows for just one tiny needle poke per hand. Most cases have minimal swelling or downtime, and patients can resume normal activities within 24 to 48 hours. 

Results can be enjoyed for many months to even years, as long as good preventative measures are followed, such as topical hydration and regular SPF 50 protection.

Treat Your Hands with Care: Book a Consultation

By choosing Remington Laser, you are entrusting your care to a team that values your individual needs and is dedicated to achieving natural-looking and remarkable results. 

Schedule your consultation today to experience our hand rejuvenation treatments, designed to restore your skin’s youthful vitality.

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Contact Us

You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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