Laser Photodynamic Therapy in Calgary

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Renew Your Skin & Address Skin Lesions (AKs)

Today, 60% of Canadians over 40 have at least 1 precancerous lesion (actinic keratosis or AK) from a lifetime of soaking up the sun. We get most of our sun exposure before we even turn 18

These lesions can develop later in life due to the sun’s rays we caught earlier on, but with regular treatment, we can reduce the risk of them turning into something more serious like squamous cell carcinoma.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) can address multiple lesions, including visible marks on the skin’s surface and unseen damage underneath. 

We have developed a combination approach of fractionated laser photodynamic therapy (fPDT). Remington Laser is the only clinic offering this innovative procedure.  

Book your consultation today.

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What Is Traditional PDT?

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses a zone approach rather than treating individual lesions. By targeting an area, we can address lesions visible on the skin’s surface and damage that can’t be seen.

Traditional PDT uses a topical light-sensitizing medication (Metvix) that attaches itself to damaged skin cells. A specific wavelength of light then activates the medication.

Fractionated Photodynamic Therapy (fPDT)? 

We have developed an innovative laser-assisted drug (LADD) protocol that combines fractional laser skin rejuvenation with topical medication. 

We use the Fotona SP Dynamis fractional laser to create vertical channels in the skin prior to applying the medication. 

Our fractionated photodynamic therapy (fPDT) approach helps the medication penetrate deeper skin layers and target visible and unseen damage.

Why Is fPDT Effective? 

The light-sensitizing medication incubates for 3 hours, allowing the medication to absorb and attach to damaged skin cells. 

Then, we activate the medication with the Galderma Aktilite, a specialized and controlled non-ultraviolet wavelength of light that can destroy the precancerous lesions. 

This innovative combination approach helps clear more of the damaged cells and decreases the rate of recurrence.  

What Is the Expected Recovery After fPDT?

Immediately after your treatment, the area can look red and feel hot, similar to a sunburn. You can expect mild to moderate discomfort and swelling for 24–48 hours. 

Your skin will be sensitive after your treatment, so once the medication has been activated, stay out of the sun for 48 hours. 

Peeling and flaking usually begin around day 2 or 3 and last 5–10 days.

Most patients can return to work within 7–10 days. However, your face might be red for 2–3 weeks after initial healing.

Schedule Your fPDT Consultation

Our dermatologist-led team is here to help you achieve healthier, lesion-free skin. Book your consultation now and explore the rejuvenating benefits of personalized fractionated photodynamic therapy.

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Contact Us

You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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