Laser Rejuvenation in Calgary

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Revitalize Your Skin: Treat, Correct, & Remove

Laser technology is an incredible tool with a wide array of medical, therapeutic, and cosmetic applications. Our clinic was founded on the revolutionary impact of laser technology in skincare. Since the day we opened our doors, Dr. Kent Remington has been a pioneering force in the field, garnering respect and training new clinicians in the intricacies of laser treatments.

We focus on 3 core approaches: treating, correcting, and removing. Laser treatments can enhance the appearance and health of your skin by addressing concerns such as scars, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Moreover, lasers provide a reliable solution for removing unwanted imperfections like lesions, hair, or tattoos.

We care about solutions that work for you: your concerns, your lifestyle, and your wellness. Visit us for a consultation to see how laser rejuvenation can help transform your skin.

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What to Expect After Your Laser Treatment

We’ll provide personalized instructions to guide you through post-treatment care, including recommendations for steps you can take to maintain or enhance your results.

It’s normal to experience mild redness or swelling for a few days following the treatment. As your skin heals, you’ll begin to see noticeable improvements, with many patients enjoying results that can last for years.

Fotona SP Dynamis

Based in Europe, Fotona is one of the most experienced developers of high-end technology laser systems.

The Fotona SP Dynamis features 2 complementary technologies, Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers, to help treat a wide range of skin conditions. 

The Fotona SP Dynamis’ versatile technology allows for personalized treatment. The multi-purpose platform is designed for precision and minimal thermal conduction, helping us provide treatments safely for all skin types

With Fotona’s uniquely designed handpicks, the SP Dynamic can offer enhanced performance so patients can get results backed by clinical research.

Popular Laser Treatments

Popular Laser Treatments

  • Fotona4D: Nonsurgical skin tightening for the lower face and neck, helping to stimulate collagen and strengthen the skin’s foundation.
  • LipLase: A noninvasive lip-plumping treatment that helps stimulate collagen remodelling for fuller lips.
  • HAIRestart: Targets and helps stimulate dormant hair follicles to promote hair growth.
  • NightLase: Designed to shrink and firm the soft palate, helping to alleviate the effects of snoring.
  • SmoothEye: Nonablative treatment to help improve skin elasticity and tighten the upper and lower eyelids.
  • IncontiLase: A noninvasive therapy for mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence.

What Is the UltraPulse CO2 Ablative Laser?

The UltraPulse CO2 laser can be considered the gold standard for ablative laser treatment, helping us provide safe, deeply impactful treatment with a range of capabilities.

The UltraPulse is a carbon dioxide laser that resurfaces the skin with focused light beams. It targets and vaporizes unwanted tissue, stimulating the body’s healing process and leading to skin regeneration and increased collagen production.

What Can We Do with the UltraPulse?

The UltraPulse CO2 laser is commonly used to treat scars and benign lesions. It is also used for most of our surgical procedures, including repairing earlobes, treating lipomas, pilar cysts, sebaceous cysts, and treating rhinophyma. 

We can customize your treatment based on the procedure being performed, using either defocused or focused mode, so that we can achieve your treatment goals.

SmoothLiftin: Intraoral Face Lift

SmoothLiftin is a nonsurgical procedure that works from the inside out to tighten your skin. The technology uses the Smooth mode of the Fotona 4D laser aimed inside the mouth. The treatment can induce skin remodelling, promoting collagen to help tighten cheeks, diminish nasolabial folds, and create an overall plumping effect.

This innovative approach can deliver natural-looking, youthful results with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Choose Remington Laser: Book Your Consultation Today

At Remington Laser, we’re not just about technology—we’re about people. We take pride in our skilled team, personalized care, and decades of experience positively impacting patients’ lives. Our dermatologist-led clinic prioritizes quality and patient satisfaction. Whether we’re restoring youthful appearance or treating conditions, our priority is helping you feel comfortable in your own skin.

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Contact Us

You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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