Vascular Birthmark Treatment in Calgary

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Yes, There Is a Treatment!

Vascular anomalies affect approximately 10% of newborn babies. In addition to the physical appearance, they can cause significant emotional and psychosocial distress to parents and potentially cause a long-term negative effect on a child’s life. 

With the advances in laser technology and ongoing published research, we can intervene early to help provide a positive outcome for children.

Adults with port wine stains can receive treatment to help minimize both the physical and psychological effects. 

Remington Laser remains a leading expert in Western Canada, with innovative technology and experience treating all types of vascular anomalies.

We are formally associated with the Vascular Birthmark Foundation (VBF), the leading international charitable organization that empowers and advocates for patients and their families. The organization networks to find the leading experts around the world. 

We share their passion and aim to provide positive outcomes while approaching each patient with compassion and an individualized treatment plan.  

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What Are Vascular Birthmarks?

Vascular birthmarks occur when blood vessels don’t form correctly. They occur during a baby’s early development and can rarely be seen on ultrasound, leaving parents unprepared for the diagnosis. 

Vascular birthmarks can be present right at birth or may appear shortly after. They are benign (noncancerous), but their appearance can impact a child’s self-esteem, so treatment is recommended.

Are There Different Types of Vascular Birthmarks?

There are 3 main types of vascular birthmarks: salmon patch (nevus simplex), port wine stains (PWS), and hemangiomas (strawberry marks).

A salmon patch (nevus simplex) is a flat patch of pink or red skin that may be present in as many as 1 out of 3 infants.

The most common site is at the nape of the neck (stork bite), between the eyes or on the forehead (angel’s kiss), and occasionally on the eyelids, nose, or upper lip.

These birthmarks tend to darken with crying or changes in temperature. However, they are harmless and often resolve spontaneously without treatment.

A port wine stain (PWS) is a flat patch of light pink, red, or purple discolouration on the skin visible from birth. It commonly presents on one side of the face or neck but can occur anywhere on the body.

Although these birthmarks are benign (noncancerous), they are progressive and continue to grow with the child.

Without treatment, these birthmarks can thicken, darken, and develop vascular nodules over time. Intervention within the first few weeks or months of life can provide the best possible outcome.

A hemangioma is not always present right at birth but appears within the first few weeks of life. It can start as a small, flat red patch. The mark goes through a rapidly growing stage for approximately 6 months, then tends to stabilize and finally involute over a period of 5 years.

Depending on the size and rate of growth, oral or topical treatment is the first-line treatment. Early intervention combined with vascular laser treatment can help improve outcomes and minimize potential residual blood vessels or scarring.

The International Gold Standard Treatment

At Remington Laser, we offer light-based treatments like the Candela Vbeam Perfecta 595nm pulsed dye laser (PDL), which is considered the gold standard in the treatment of vascular anomalies in infants, children, and adults. 

We also have several Nd:YAG 1064nm lasers, which are rarely used in small children. Additionally, we have the intense pulsed light (IPL) device that can be used in some cases of port wine birthmarks that are unresponsive to other treatments.

You might feel a slight sting during the procedure, like snapping a mild sunburn, but most patients find it tolerable.

Vbeam Perfecta

Vbeam Perfecta uses laser energy to target and constrict abnormal blood vessels without damaging the superficial skin layers. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible (even at a few weeks of age) to help provide optimal outcomes. 

In infants, there are very few melanocytes (pigment cells). The skin is thinner, and the blood vessels are smaller. As a result, the laser can access the deeper layers, and the target vessels are easier to destroy. 

With this treatment protocol, in some cases, we can achieve almost complete clearance if treated regularly before a child turns one.

Before & After: Vascular Birthmark Treatment Results

Laser Treatment for Infants & Kids: How Do They Handle It?

We’ve seen convincing evidence, combined with what we’ve experienced firsthand right here in our clinic, that we can perform these treatments effectively without needing anesthesia and the associated risks.

With each laser pulse, an internal dynamic cooling device (DCD) delivers a cool air burst onto the skin just before the pulse hits. Most kids bounce back and are all smiles after their treatment is done.

We prioritize your child’s comfort above all else. Our team has various strategies to support your child throughout the treatment process. We’re ready to help you and your child feel prepared.

It’s Never Too Late: Schedule Your Consultation

At Remington Laser, our patients always come first. We’re proud to be Canada’s first laser clinic, paving the way in skincare that truly makes a difference. 

If you or your child has a vascular birthmark, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. Together, we can navigate this journey towards healthier, happier skin. Because at Remington Laser, we’re not just treating your skin—we’re caring for you.

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Contact Us

You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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