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How to Get Rid of Spider Veins

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A close-up photo of facial telangiectasia, visible in the area under the eye

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, can appear in visible places on the body. Although they are typically harmless, they can affect confidence, especially when they occur on the face.

Laser vein treatment can effectively reduce the appearance of unwanted veins, helping you achieve that even-toned complexion.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins commonly develop on the face and legs due to genetic, environmental, and autoimmune factors. These dilated blood vessels appear as red, blue, or purple lines near the skin’s surface. Though they are benign, many individuals seek treatment for cosmetic reasons.


Many factors can contribute to the formation of spider veins, including:

  • Genetics: A family history of spider veins increases the likelihood of developing them.
  • Sun exposure: Prolonged UV exposure can weaken blood vessels, making them more visible.
  • Aging: As skin thins over time, blood vessels lose elasticity, making spider veins more noticeable.
  • Hormonal changes: Pregnancy, menopause, and birth control can influence vein formation.
  • Trauma: Physical injuries may damage blood vessels, leading to spider veins.

Symptoms & Concerns

Spider veins are generally asymptomatic but can sometimes cause mild discomfort. Since they do not play a significant role in circulation, removing them does not affect overall vein function. Treatment may be considered for cosmetic reasons when makeup is not enough to conceal their appearance.

Do Spider Veins Go Away on Their Own?

Spider veins rarely disappear without intervention. Some minor spider veins caused by temporary factors, like hormonal changes or injuries, may fade over time. However, those caused by genetics, aging, or sun exposure are unlikely to resolve without treatment. 

Preventative measures, such as wearing sunscreen and maintaining a gentle skincare routine, can help minimize their progression.

Can Spider Veins Go Away with Exercise?

Exercise improves circulation and supports overall vein health, particularly in the legs. Activities such as jogging or swimming may help prevent new spider veins but are unlikely to eliminate existing ones. Facial spider veins, in particular, are more often influenced by sun exposure and skin thinning rather than circulation.

Treating Spider Veins

At Remington Laser Centre, advanced laser treatments can safely target and seal unsightly veins, allowing the body to reabsorb them over time.

Laser and IPL therapy are noninvasive methods to treat spider veins, especially gentle for use on facial veins.

How Laser Therapy Works

Laser energy precisely targets blood vessels, applying controlled heat that causes them to shrink and collapse. The body then naturally processes and removes the treated veins. This noninvasive method ensures that surrounding skin remains unaffected.

Laser Treatment Technologies

Customizable treatments can help you achieve your specific goals, including: 

  • Vbeam Perfecta: This pulsed dye laser delivers bursts of light that are absorbed by the blood vessels, causing them to clot and fade away. Pulsed dye lasers are ideal for smaller veins.
  • Fotona SP Dynamis: This versatile, multi-function technology uses long pulsed laser to target surface imperfections and deeper layers of the skin to treat a wide range of skin conditions, including vascular issues.
  • Lumenis M22: This uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to apply warm light, constricting blood vessels and reducing their appearance. The intensity of the light can be fine-tuned according to your skin type and condition.

Each treatment can be tailored according to the severity of the veins. 

An infographic listing all the treatments that can help get rid of spider veins.

What to Expect from Laser Treatments

Laser vein treatments are quick and well-tolerated, with sessions typically lasting less than an hour. Some redness or bruising may appear post-treatment, but these effects subside within a few days and can be concealed with makeup. It requires minimal to no recovery time.

Treatment Frequency & Results

While some individuals notice improvement after one session, multiple treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart may be required for optimal results. The number of sessions depends on factors such as:

  • The severity and number of spider veins
  • The chosen laser technology
  • The size of the treatment area

Because new veins may appear over time due to normal aging and environmental factors, maintenance treatments will be necessary.

Schedule Your Laser Consultation

Spider veins can be a source of frustration, but laser therapy provides an effective solution.If you’re considering laser vein treatment, book a consultation at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre today. We can assess your skin and veins to determine which treatment is right for your particular condition.

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Remington Laser

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  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

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