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Restoration of Youthful Appearance

Using a global approach, we attempt to restore your youthful appearance without changing your natural look or facial expressions. We focus on ALL areas of the face, addressing the issues of volume loss, wrinkles, skin changes and facial contouring. Because our skin loses its elasticity as we mature, the appearance of unwanted lines and wrinkles…
Infrared Laser treatments are using to help with skin rejuvenation at our Medispa in Calgary.

Use of Infrared Laser

The effective and safe use of the CO2 laser has been facilitated by advances in the Superpulsed and Ultrapulsed computerized laser systems… The clinical use has not only been benefited by these lasers but a better understanding of the laser – tissue interactions, refinements in techniques, and expansion of the list of clinical indications. The…

Botox®️ – Neuralgia, Painful Scars and Headaches

  We are seeing increasing numbers of referred and non-referred patients requesting Botox®️ therapy for painful lesions, scars, neuralgias, post-herpes zoster syndromes, and various headaches… Botox®️ works by depleting substance “P” that is responsible for the pain. This is a dramatic wonderful option but it may become a bit of a challenge for our staff,…
MicroLaser Peel treatment for anti-aging solutions in Calgary.

Sciton’s MicroLaserPeel Offers Anti-Aging Solution

Sciton, Inc. (Palo Alto, Calif.) has perfected the MicroLaserPeel™ (MLP) procedure for light resurfacing. The PROFILE® MLP provides the missing link to achieving uniform color, texture and tone when treating aging skin, according to dermatologist B. Kent Remington, M.D. (Calgary, Alta., Canada). MLP uses 10 to 50 microns of ablation to treat fine lines and…
laser dermatology calgary skin tag removal calgary

Sciton Laser Enhances Results of Adjunct Procedures

Combining procedures for further enhancement of patient’s results is an increasing trend in aesthetic medicine with the combination of a Sciton laser peel and other common aesthetic procedures at the forefront. The Contour is a dual-pulse mode erbium-YAG module for the high-performance Profile laser system from Sciton, Inc. (Palo Alto, Calif.)… “Heat is the enemy…
A before and after of a woman to show how she was able to overcome spots on her face after undergoing a treatment at our advanced skin care clinic in Calgary.

Sciton ProFractional Technology

Sciton ProFractional technology to offer painless fractional treatments of acne scars and aging skin. Palo Alto CA – November 15, 2006. Sciton, the leader in resurfacing laser technologies, announced a significant step in the development of fractional laser treatment with its new ProFractional technology… Sciton is developing ProFractional as a module that can be added…

Dr. Remington’s Secrets to Look as Young as you Feel

The key to younger, healthier looking skin is to prevent damage from occurring in the first place. Regardless of your age, there are several steps you can take to improve your skin’s appearance and prevent further damage from occurring… In addition, many blemishes inevitably occur on the skin such as wrinkles, lines, scars, lentigos (liver…

Facial Maintenance Program Selected Notes

All of us start out with nice baby skin that we all adore but eventually this skin matures the rate of aging depends on your genetics, accumulated exposure to the sun, smoking, and the natural evolution of the skin. Even those that have great faces to start with, do not keep them forever without some…

Contact Us

You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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