Pam Ritchie in Calgary

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Pam is a registered nurse (RN) and the nurse manager for Dr. Kent Remington at the Remington Laser Centre, where she has worked for 16 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Arizona State University and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, with clinical training at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale.

Pam began her career in ophthalmology, managing an outpatient surgical facility in Arizona, where she provided direct patient care and managed medical teams across 5 satellite clinics. She is the clinic’s RN injector, bringing 16 years of aesthetic and dermatological experience, having been directly trained by Dr. Kent Remington. Additionally, she is skilled in aesthetic laser treatments focused on facial rejuvenation.

Pam is dedicated to helping patients receive comprehensive care both during clinic hours and by being available on-call after hours. She also contributes to the mentorship of resident physicians and specialists through teaching sessions offered by Dr. Kent Remington.

To stay at the forefront of her field, Pam regularly attends educational conferences, seminars, and workshops so that her patients receive the most current services.

Outside of her professional life, Pam balances her time with her family and is especially proud of her 4 children’s achievements. Her background in competitive figure skating during her formative years instilled a drive for excellence, which she applies to her career. Pam enjoys watching her children’s sporting events, photography, and travelling.

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You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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