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How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

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HA (hyaluronic acid) dermal fillers have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to enhance appearance while reducing the signs of aging. Over time we all sink, sag, and wrinkle at varying rates according to our genetics and lifestyle choices. These changes occur slowly but often become noticeable in our mid to later 30s prompting many to pursue aesthetic improvement options, like injectables

Dermal fillers can be a great option for those looking to improve their appearance and can last one year or longer.

Understanding Dermal Fillers

The aesthetic marketplace today is confusing, to say the least, as far as which treatment options work best for which challenges and, more so, how to individualize these options. 

HA dermal fillers are used primarily in the face to improve overall support to areas that have slowly lost volume over time. This deflation occurs naturally at varying rates and degrees over time, according to the influences of age, genetics, and lifestyle choices. 

HA dermal fillers have become more widely accepted as a treatment of choice due to their limited risk and post-treatment recovery time as opposed to more invasive surgical approaches popular in the past. That said, it is important for patients and practitioners to understand there are numerous HA dermal fillers on the market, each with its own specific indication for use.  

Understanding the nature of all HA dermal fillers, their intended use, patient medical and aesthetic history, as well as expectation for final results is vital before undergoing any injections. More important to note is that some HA dermal fillers can be readily dissolved, however some cannot—another vital component to consider prior to having treatment.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

The best HA dermal fillers on the market today offer multiple benefits but primarily work to reflate sunken tissue as well as rebuild tissue integrity over time. They work by energizing collagen and elastin to strengthen and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin, lending to a more youthful appearance over time.

When done correctly, HA dermal fillers should not be obvious, allowing for natural, refreshed, and age-appropriate results. As compared to the past, when HA dermal fillers were quite stiff and required a larger amount, the best HA dermal fillers today are much more compatible, softer, easier to contour, and offer better longevity than initial products. 

A common misconception about HA dermal fillers is that they just “fill a void,” which is only partially true. The best practitioners know not to overcorrect areas requiring attention since the skin integrity will continue to improve for months after treatment. 

What a Dermal Filler Appointment Is Like

HA dermal fillers are injected using a cannula to minimize the number of injection sites, which limits discomfort and decreases the chances of bruising and swelling. Topical numbing cream is not necessary but can be used for this procedure. A dermal filler appointment often takes less than 30 minutes.

Where You Might Get Dermal Fillers

Common treatment areas for HA dermal fillers on the face are the cheeks, nasolabial folds, mouth corners, marionette zones, jawlines, under eyes, lips, and nose, to name a few. Each area requires different approaches, techniques, and choices of HA dermal filler to optimize the best natural outcome. Various zones of the face will inevitably break down faster, such as around the mouth, whereas in the cheek and other less dynamic areas, the effects of HA dermal filler tend to last much longer.

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

HA dermal fillers are said to last one year or longer, but this does not mean you need to start over each visit. Again, since the HA dermal fillers work to rebuild and strengthen tissue, less HA filler is required with each maintenance visit since tissue integrity has improved since the initial treatment. 

Using an analogy, the initial treatment can be related to filling your gas tank, and subsequent treatments can be considered topping up your gas tank. Therefore, even though maintenance with HA dermal fillers is required since they aren’t permanent, the natural effects they leave behind can be enjoyed for months and even years.

Getting the Most Out of Your Fillers

A woman following a skincare routine after undergoing dermal filler treatment.

Skincare & Lifestyle

Best results using HA dermal fillers are achieved by using a combination approach with neuromodulators, laser treatments, and home skin care regimes. When combined with good lifestyle choices and avoiding prolonged sun exposure, your HA dermal fillers are optimized, giving you the best longevity and overall results. 

Overall health and metabolism rates can also affect longevity, which is considered when formulating your individual treatment plan. 

Medical History

When considering any aesthetic treatment, it is vital that your medical history be disclosed and reviewed prior to proceeding, especially with HA dermal fillers. Coinciding medical conditions such as cancer or autoimmune disorders can be contraindications along with any recent major dental work, so therefore, full medical history disclosure is vital to a successful outcome.


Maintenance requirements for HA dermal fillers can vary but should be assessed at least annually for best results. It is quite common for patients to maintain neuromodulators (eg. Botox®️, Nuceiva™️) every 4 to 6 months and, at the same time, have their HA dermal filler status reassessed for possible touch up. Maintenance appointments are short, often 30 minutes or less, occurring 2 to 3 times per year with very little to no downtime after each visit.

Your Journey Is Unique

Remember, every person’s experience with dermal fillers is unique, and your doctor can provide you with specific instructions tailored to your treatment plan. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Remington Laser.

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Remington Laser

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