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Types of Fillers for Quick Results

If you’re getting ready for the new year, you may have started making plans to declutter your closet or eat better. Preparing for the new year involves taking some downtime to really think about what you want out of the year ahead. But what can you do if you’ve been too busy to take time…

The Ears You’re Hiding

There are so many things we can develop worries and self-consciousness about, and we end up disliking parts of ourselves so much that we hide them. We may not love our curly hair, the color of our eyes, or how our nose looks. We can hide some things with beauty products like hair-straightening products, colored…

DIY Sunburn Remedies

For those of you spending a lot of time by the pool or at the beach this summer, we hope you’ve been packing hats, sunglasses, and plenty of sunscreen. Chances are, you’ve forgotten once or twice and gotten a sunburn. Keep reading for some quick DIY remedies to help remove the sting out of that…

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You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

Our Address

  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

Contact Information

Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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