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What is a pilar cyst and should I remove it?

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If you are developing an unusual bump on your skin and are concerned about them being cancerous, it is important that you have it evaluated by a dermatologist. Drs. Todd Remington and Kent Remington are available to assist patients in the area of Calgary, AB with unusual growths. In the event the growth is a pilar cyst, we can help!

What is a pilar cyst?

Pilar cysts are bumps that develop on the skin’s surface and may be referred to as trichilemmal cysts or “wens.” These cysts are benign and are not cancerous, though they can be uncomfortable and unsightly. In most situations, these cysts develop on the scalp, even though they can occur anywhere. The size of these cysts vary, but grow slowly over time. A pilar cyst often does not cause pain, unless it has ruptured due to trauma. Ruptured cysts may result in pain, irritation, rash, and even infection. Because they can be uncomfortable and make patients feel self-conscious, many patients decide to have them removed.

Do I need to remove by pilar cyst?

In most cases, treatment is not needed for a pilar cyst. However, if patients choose to have them removed, this can be done with the assistance of a dermatologist. While a doctor may choose to drain the cyst, surgical removal is often the most desirable option. Patients need to think about the risks that come with surgical removal, including scarring and increased risk of infection. It is important that patients speak with their provider to decide if this is the best way to approach their cyst if it requires removal.

Can my pilar cyst become cancerous?

There is a slight, rare risk that a pilar cyst can become cancerous. If this happens, most patients will notice the cyst growing larger in a short period of time, or may notice the development of other pilar cysts in the same area. This is a reason for concern and should be brought to a dermatologist’s attention as soon as possible for an evaluation and biopsy.

Learn more about pilar cysts

Find out if you could benefit from removal of a pilar cyst by working with the team at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre. Call Drs. Todd and Kent Remington today to request an appointment at our Calgary, AB area office at 150-7220 Fisher Street SE.

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Remington Laser

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You can find us on Fisher Street SE, just off Macleod Trail. Our building has plenty of free parking. Reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions.

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  • 150 – 7220 Fisher St. SE
  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

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Dr. Todd Remington: 403-255-1633

Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

Fax: 403-259-5245

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