Birthmarks come in various shapes, colours, and sizes. They can sometimes be seen as unique identifiers of what makes us who we are. Some raised birthmarks, however, can interfere with sight or breathing.
Other birthmarks can sometimes make people self-conscious. Although most birthmarks will not need to be removed for medical reasons, they can be treated for cosmetic reasons.
Birthmarks can be made less visible or removed through laser therapy, surgery, or medication. Laser therapy is a popular option to reduce the appearance of birthmarks, skin spots, and skin lesions.
What Causes Birthmarks?
Birthmarks will typically fit into 2 categories based on the cause of the mark.
When blood vessels do not form properly, babies may develop vascular birthmarks that occur at birth or shortly after. Alternatively, when cells that give our skin colour clump together, the cluster of cells may cause pigmented birthmarks to develop.
Birthmarks are common, but some types, like hemangiomas and stork bites, may appear more often than others.
How to Remove Birthmarks
Some birthmarks might look concerning, like hemangiomas, also called strawberry birthmarks. These benign (noncancerous) growths can appear anywhere on the skin. While strawberry marks typically go away on their own, sometimes they can interfere with sight or breathing, requiring treatment.
Other birthmarks may be removed for cosmetic reasons. Confidence is important. If these marks impact self-esteem, treatment or removal can be considered.
In certain cases, medication can reduce the appearance of birthmarks, shrink a growing birthmark, or prevent a birthmark from growing. Propranolol, for example, has been approved to treat strawberry birthmarks. However, medications may begin to lose effectiveness after the birthmark’s proliferative phase, which ends around age 1.
Surgical Removal
A surgical procedure, such as cutting out a birthmark with a small scalpel, can remove many birthmarks entirely. Cryotherapy is sometimes used to freeze and remove some skin conditions.
Surgical removal may be recommended if the birthmark poses a potential health concern, such as a large mole. Surgery can also help treat raised, prominent birthmarks that won’t go away on their own. However, surgical removal can cause scarring.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is a popular, noninvasive skin treatment option that uses concentrated light to target and break down the blood vessels or pigmentation responsible for birthmarks. Laser therapy can gradually reduce the appearance of birthmarks, and in many cases, it can remove birthmarks entirely.
Laser treatment can also soften and flatten scar tissue, reducing the appearance of scarring caused by surgical removal.
Laser Therapy Procedure

The procedure starts with an initial consultation that can help ease any anxieties and address concerns you may have. This consultation will allow an assessment of the birthmark and determine a treatment plan. Some birthmarks will require multiple procedures. A consultation is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
To prepare for the treatment, keep the area around the birthmark clean. Avoid spraying perfumes or applying deodorant to the area. You should also avoid taking pain and anti-inflammatory medication.
Laser Session
A laser device concentrates light beams and directs it at the birthmark. This can reduce or eliminate the blood vessels or pigmented cells that cause the mark. The duration of the session will depend on the size and type of the mark.
You will be given instructions on caring for the treated skin to promote healing and prevent infection.
At What Age Can You Remove Birthmarks?
Many birthmarks will go away on their own, so infants will not typically require early removal. However, treatment can be considered early for birthmarks like port-wine stains, moles, and café au lait spots, which will not fade with time.
Laser therapy is more effective for infants, but it is also effective for adults.
Types of Birthmarks That Can Be Removed
Most birthmarks can be made less noticeable or removed entirely. Typically, anyone can get their birthmark removed. Both vascular and pigmented birthmarks can be treated either through medication, surgery, or laser therapy.
Common types of birthmarks that people may want to be removed include:
Do Birthmarks Come Back After Removal?
Most birthmarks will not return after removal. After surgical removal, the area may be swollen or sore for some time. Like after any type of surgery, the area should be monitored. If you notice any signs of increased redness or swelling or symptoms of fever, chills, or aching, visit your doctor immediately.
After laser removal, the area might turn white or incur some bruising. This will normally fade, and the birthmark will start to fade, too. Some birthmarks may require multiple sessions to further reduce their visibility.
In some cases, pigmented lesions can return after several months or a few years. If that happens, they can be treated again.
What Are the Side Effects of Birthmark Removal?
After Surgery
Although surgeons take the necessary precautions to limit scarring, a scar can still form. Like with any other incision, there will also be a risk of developing an infection. To minimize this risk, talk to your provider about how to keep the area clean as it heals.
After Laser Therapy
After laser treatment, redness, discolouration, and peeling are common. For a day after the procedure, there may also be swelling, bruising, or irritation. The treated area will normally heal within a week.
Treat Birthmarks Today
Although most birthmarks are harmless, they can sometimes affect self-esteem and cause social anxiety.
Surgical removal remains a viable option for treating birthmarks, but it often leads to scarring. Laser therapy is an effective and noninvasive option that can help reduce the visibility of birthmarks or diminish scarring caused by surgery.
Contact our team at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre or book a consultation to see how we can help. We can assess your birthmark and suggest treatment options.