You’d think that with all of the acne products out there, that acne would be a thing of the past. Then how come it seems as prevalent as ever? There’s not a day that goes by where we don’t hear of a new skincare line launching, read a blogger reveal her struggle with acne, or find some new DIY face scrub on YouTube. Enough is enough.
Did you know that your skin can take between six to twelve weeks to show improvement from the right skincare regimen? If you’re bouncing around from product to product, you’re not doing your skin any favors. Keep reading to learn some important ways to prevent and treat acne.
Wash Gently
It can be difficult to be gentle on such a frustrating little bump, but that’s what will help prevent acne from spreading. Scrubbing too harshly, picking, and popping can all just help spread acne and make it worse. Restrain yourself as best you can when washing your face, and do your best to avoid touching your skin any other time. We’ve heard of people sleeping in mittens to try and keep themselves from touching their skin as they sleep. That’s dedication right there.
Find a gentle cleanser that doesn’t foam up too much or leave your skin dry after you pat your face dry with a towel. If your skin looks tight or shiny, your cleanser is probably too harsh. Look for a pH-balanced cleanser that is closer to our skin’s natural pH (around 5.5), and don’t overuse clay masks or scrubs.
Give Skin a Break
Makeup is often used to cover up those red little bumps that creep onto noses and chins, but that camouflage can actually just help pimples come back again and again. Look for makeup that doesn’t clog your pores (again, testing for six weeks might help weed out problematic skin care) and give your skin a break when you can. Weekends are perfect for letting skin relax if you’re not willing to go bare-faced to school or work.
Schedule a Consultation
If you’re tired of the struggle or looking for a jump-start to improve your skin, we can help. We have a lot of chemical peel options that can be customized to your skincare needs, such as our more-gentle Glycolic Acid peel, or the stronger Jessner Plus peel.
Contact us today at (403) 255-1633 to schedule a consultation with one of our amazing doctors!