Lip fillers have gained great popularity within the spectrum of aesthetic treatment options. At the Remington Laser Centre, our physicians and registered nurses offer their extensive experience to “reflate and not inflate” your lips according to your natural genetics. Lips are the easiest things done poorly and unfortunately, many clinicians aim for a “popular look” rather than what is genetically appropriate for each patient. Our physicians and nurses focus on achieving the most natural outcome possible to enhance overall confidence.

Lip fillers are primarily comprised of hyaluronic acid (HA) and are used to reflate natural contour. HA is naturally occurring in the body and is used in high-grade filler to not only improve contour but also stimulate collagen, elastin and ground substance. On average, HA filler lasts about one year and is slowly metabolized by the body. However, the benefits of HA filler extend thereafter since it works to regenerate collagen, elastin and ground substances that naturally occur in our bodies.

At the Remington Laser Centre, you will experience a comprehensive consultation with both the physician and registered nurse to assess and arrive at a plan aimed at achieving the most natural results possible.

Lip Filler Procedure Overview

Your physician and registered nurse will offer ample time to discuss the preparation and details of your procedure as well as answer all your questions. Post-care guidelines will also be discussed to ensure an understanding of the requirements for the best recovery and final results.

Preparing for Lip Filler Treatment

Before getting HA lip fillers, you will meet with our experienced physicians and registered nurses to evaluate your candidacy for this treatment. It is crucial to provide accurate, detailed information regarding your past aesthetic treatments for them to formulate a safe, individual treatment plan. 

The Step-by-Step Lip Filler Procedure

Close-up of a woman's lips after getting fillers

Step 1: Numbing the Lips

Despite the fact that our physicians and registered nurses do not use needles (instead cannulas that are tiny blunt tubes used to place HA filler in targeted areas), a specially formulated numbing cream is applied prior to the procedure. This specially formulated compound, unique to our clinic, is used for two main reasons: to reduce sensation and also limit the chance of bruising. 

Step 2: Marking Injection Points

After about 15 minutes, topical numbing cream is removed and drawing with a temporary pencil is done to outline treatment zones. With our experienced physician and registered nurse injectors, limited injection points are required since they use cannulas instead of needles.

Step 3: Injecting the Filler

Injecting filler with cannulas greatly reduces the number of entry points required, most often requiring only 4 as opposed to multiple needles. The zone, depth as well as the amount and type of HA filler chosen are all crucial components of your procedure. Our physicians and registered nurses will discuss this with you in detail before your procedure.

Step 4: Massaging & Shaping

Post-procedure, your lips will be gently massaged by your injector to help identify any areas that may still require attention as well as to settle down any mucous glands that often swell during this procedure (often called a “fat lip” if you bump or injure your lip).

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Immediately after your treatment, you can expect some minor swelling which may last for up to 3 days but is quite normal. This is not an indication of final results but does need to be considered when planning your treatment date and expected recovery time. You may require some over-the-counter analgesia (such as Tylenol) that day, but not normally required thereafter. Post-care guidelines will be given to take home but in most cases, there are very few restrictions during a short recovery period.

Lip Filler After Treatment Care 

Immediately after your treatment, it is not unusual to have some minor swelling but thanks to the topical numbing cream and good injection techniques, bruising is unexpected. It is best to avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours and continue all best skin care practices including 50 spf or higher sunscreen to the face and lips.

Results Timeline for Lip Fillers

Improvement can be enjoyed immediately after your treatment however final results can take a few weeks. Any swelling post-treatment can take up to 3 days to subside but has no effect on final outcome.

Treatment Frequency for Lip Fillers

Depending on the type of filler used and your body’s response to HA, you may need to return for maintenance treatments approximately every 6 months to 1 year. We can tailor your treatment intervals based on how quickly your body metabolizes the filler with the goal of increasing longevity as your tissue integrity improves.

Benefits of Lip Fillers

In addition to adding volume and symmetry to your lips, lip fillers may also have an effect on your confidence following the procedure. 

We use the best quality HA filler on the market with its most important aspect being that it can be dissolved. This is important when considering this treatment option as a permanent filler should be avoided for multiple reasons (which can be discussed during your consultation). When considering HA filler for lips, placement and technique are key to achieving natural, desirable results.

It’s Time to Transform Your Lips

With a comprehensive consultation with our experienced physicians and registered nurses, HA fillers can be used to help restore balance and contour to the lips. It is not uncommon for the team to ask for photos of your younger self to ensure your natural genetics are considered in the plan. We pride ourselves on creating the best, most natural results possible while minimizing downtime. 

At Remington Laser Dermatology Centre, we can discuss your goals and health in detail to help you decide which injectable treatments are right for you. Book your consultation today

Frown lines are like unwelcome guests on the stage of our faces—they can show up uninvited and refuse to leave, often becoming the focus of our concerns. Yet, the pursuit of smooth, youthful skin is attainable. Tailored skincare strategies and anti-aging procedures can diminish these signs of aging. 

The options for reducing the appearance of frown lines include injectables, like Botox and dermal fillers, as well as laser treatments. Understanding the full range of potential frown line solutions, including their execution and benefits, can be imperative for finding the treatment that matches your goals and supports your health. 

Therapies & Procedures for Frown Lines

A multipronged approach that includes specialized treatments and maintenance and prevention strategies can work wonders for addressing frown lines. When you visit us for a consultation, our physicians and registered nurses will help you determine the right treatments for your needs. 

Botox Injections

Botox is a front-runner in nonsurgical cosmetic treatments for reducing the appearance of frown lines. It works by temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for furrowing, essentially smoothing out the skin.

During the procedure, precision injections are administered by a trained professional to target specific muscles. Botox can noticeably reduce wrinkle animation and frown lines in the days following your treatment, with results typically lasting 3–6 months. It can also be a preventive measure for deeper lines.

Nuceiva Injections

Nuceiva is another injectable that can temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines. Similar to Botox, the procedure involves administering Nuceiva via intramuscular injection, targeting the specific muscles responsible for unwanted frown lines.

Nuceiva can provide a smoother and more youthful-looking appearance by minimizing the prominence of frown lines. As with Botox, many people typically see visible results within a few days following the treatment, with the full effects of Nuceiva becoming apparent within about 2 weeks of the injection. The longevity of the results varies but generally lasts for several months.

A woman getting dermal fillers to help get rid of frown lines.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected into the skin offering improved contour, volume and softening of fine lines. Strategic placement of HA fillers can improve overall balance of the face, lending to a more youthful appearance.

The full effects are typically visible within the first few weeks and last for 1 year or more, depending on the product used. The best HA dermal fillers work to regenerate collagen, elastin and ground substance in the skin allowing for sustained improvement long after fillers have been metabolized.

Laser Rejuvenation

Lasers can be harnessed to prompt new collagen production, leading to firmer, smoother skin. During laser skin treatments, concentrated light penetrates the dermis, encouraging skin renewal.

The goal of these treatments is to improve overall skin texture while softening frown lines and other skin irregularities. After your treatment, your skin may show progressive improvement over several months. A series of treatments is often recommended to get full results and maintain the look of your skin.

Lip Injections

Dermal filler lip injections can improve overall lip contour as well as provide support around the mouth, improving unwanted frown patterns. Results of lip injections are noticeable immediately and can last for at least 6-12 months or more.

Who Are These Procedures Suited For?

The appropriate candidates for these procedures are people seeking anti-aging maintenance or advanced treatments that can reduce the signs of aging with minimal downtime. People who are pregnant, nursing, or have certain neurological diseases should speak with a physician before getting these procedures.

Are There Natural Remedies for Frown Lines?

For those seeking supplementary care to professional treatments, there are a plethora of at-home strategies that can aid in softening frown lines, including the following:

  • Drink plenty of water to maintain optimal skin moisture and elasticity.
  • Eat foods high in antioxidants that help protect the skin from damage and aid in repair.
  • Use skincare products with retinoids, peptides, and hyaluronic acid to support your skin health.
  • Protective skin care including topical hydration and 50+ spf lotions help to combat damaging environmental effects on the skin. 

It’s important to note that while these remedies can enhance skin quality, they typically yield more subtle results over more extended periods, especially compared to clinical treatments.

How Long Before You See Results from These Treatments?

The timeline for visible results varies with each treatment approach. Some minimally invasive cosmetic procedures like Botox and dermal fillers can provide swift results, with full effects that appear within the days following your procedure. 

The full results of laser treatments and other options may unfold more gradually, with optimal results appearing after multiple sessions over a few months.

Personalized Skincare & Tailored Results

Every individual’s skin is unique and deserves a personalized approach to anti-aging treatment. It’s essential to consult a physician who can recommend the most suitable treatment plan for your specific needs.At Remington Laser Dermatology Centre, we invite you to step into a world where expertise and personalized skincare meet. Contact us to schedule your consultation and speak with our physicians and registered nurses about your skin health, your skincare goals, and the treatments that can help you reach them.

Botox is a popular cosmetic procedure many turn to for a more youthful appearance. It’s most commonly used to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and its effects can last several months. However, it is crucial to understand that there are certain things you should not do after having treatment with Botox.

For the best possible results after your Botox injections, you should refrain from touching or rubbing your face, avoid alcohol and blood thinners before injections, and avoid strenuous exercise for 12-24 hours after treatment. Whether you’re new to Botox injections or get frequent touch-ups, proper aftercare can make a difference in final results. 

What Is Botox?

Botox is a brand name for a type of neurotoxin used primarily for cosmetic purposes, such as reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. The toxin is derived from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and works by temporarily relaxing overactive facial muscles that lend to the formation of these fine lines and wrinkles.

Botox injections are a popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment administered by a trained healthcare professional. It’s important to note that while Botox is considered safe when used appropriately, it does carry some risks and potential side effects.

What Can Botox Treat?

Botox can be used to treat various medical conditions in addition to its cosmetic uses. Some of the medical conditions that Botox can treat include:

  • Migraines and tension headaches
  • TMJD pain
  • Myofascial pain
  • Facial Neuralgia (Trigeminal Nerve)
  • Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
  • Treat the effects of Bell’s palsy
  • Blepharospasm, Hemifacial Spasm

For cosmetic purposes, Botox is incredibly versatile and can help smooth fine lines and wrinkles in several areas of your face, including:

  • Eyebrow Furrow
  • Forehead
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Lips
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Neck cords and fine lines

What to Avoid After Botox

After your Botox injections, you can support optimal results with quality aftercare. One benefit of Botox is that you don’t need any recovery time before resuming regular activities—however, there are a few habits to avoid for the first 24 hours after your treatment.

Avoid Touching or Rubbing the Treated Area

After having Botox, avoid touching the areas injected to avoid possible infection and migration of the product.

Refrain from Intense Exercise for at Least 12-24 Hours

While exercise is generally good for you, avoiding strenuous exercise for 12-24 hours after having Botox treatment is important because intense physical activity can increase blood flow to injection sites lending to inflammation or bruising along with unwanted migration to other muscle groups.

Light activities like walking and light household chores can be safe, but your medical professional will provide instructions based on your personalized treatment. 

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol and blood thinners can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising after receiving Botox. It’s best to avoid alcohol and any other blood thinners such as Multivitamins, Green Tea, Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil) and garlic to name a few for at least 48 hours before your treatment and for 24 hours after your appointment to reduce the risk of bruising.

Don’t Lay Down for at Least 4 Hours

After getting Botox, it is important to remain upright for at least 4 hours to prevent the product from migrating to other areas of your face. This means you should avoid lying down or sleeping for at least 4 hours after your appointment.

Don’t Schedule Facials or Other Cosmetic Procedures

In the days following your Botox treatment, it’s essential to avoid other cosmetic procedures including facials, facial massages, or assertive exfoliating scrub treatments for 2 weeks. This allows ample time for the Botox to take effect in the targeted muscles allowing for optimal results.

A woman smiling and holding her face with both hands as she sits on a medical bed and looks directly at her doctor, who is holding a clipboard.

Regain a Youthful Appearance with Botox

In combination with other treatments, Botox can be an effective way to achieve a more youthful appearance, but practicing proper aftercare is key in helping you achieve your desired results. Visit the passionate team at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre for a consultation. Our team is happy to share both before and aftercare advice so you can feel confident in your treatment plan and your appearance between appointments.

Birthmarks can look concerning at a glance or even make you feel self-conscious. Vascular birthmarks are a prime example of a prevalent type of skin mark that can lead to social anxiety.

Vascular birthmarks are common skin anomalies that occur at birth or shortly afterwards. They are caused by abnormal growth of blood vessels in the skin and can range from a small, flat patch to a large, protruding bump. Although vascular birthmarks are considered harmless, many people seek treatment for cosmetic or medical reasons.

Fortunately, pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatment has emerged as an effective solution to minimize or remove vascular birthmarks, whether you’re seeking treatment for your child or as an adult.

Types of Vascular Birthmarks

Vascular birthmarks can vary significantly in shape and size and are usually red, purple, or pink. Some common types of vascular birthmarks include:

  • Hemangiomas: occasionally called strawberry marks, nevus vascularis, capillary hemangioma, or hemangioma simplex, they’re raised, red marks made of small and closely packed blood vessels. They most often appear on the face, chest, or back, but they may appear anywhere on the body
  • Port-wine stains: these marks develop in approximately 3 of every 1,000 infants and are made of abnormally formed blood capillaries that can darken over time without treatment

Red birthmarks are caused by an increase in the number of small blood vessels in the skin and can be flat or raised. These include port-wine stains, strawberry hemangiomas, and salmon patch birthmarks. Purple birthmarks, also known as cavernous hemangiomas, are caused by a cluster of blood vessels. These birthmarks can vary in size and shape and may protrude from the skin’s surface.

An illustration of what hemangiomas look like with overgrowth of blood vessels under the skin.

A Hemangioma is a benign (non-cancerous) tumour of blood vessels that can develop anywhere on the body, but most commonly on the face, back, or chest.  Often they are not visible at birth or will appear as a faint pink mark, but then the blood vessels grow and can become enlarged very quickly. Unlike port wine birthmarks, these can become elevated and dark purple in colour. They go through three stages of growth, resting and then shrinking.  Small lesions may resolve spontaneously, but rapidly growing lesions required immediate oral treatment. Vascular lasers may assist in treatment.

Treatment for Vascular Birthmarks

PDL treatment has become the gold standard for treating vascular birthmarks. This laser treatment targets the hemoglobin in the blood vessels of the birthmark, causing them to heat up and collapse. It can also remove telangiectasias, or “spider vessels,” from the skin.

The laser selectively targets and destroys the blood vessels without damaging the surrounding tissue. This process results in the birthmark’s gradual fading or its complete removal.  

PDL treatment is safe, effective, and has minimal side effects and is safe, effective, and has minimal side effects. Most people who undergo PDL treatment for vascular birthmarks experience little downtime and can return to their daily activities immediately.

PDL Treatment Process

Many associate lasers with pain; however, the Candela Vbeam Prima laser includes an internal dynamic cooling device (DCD). With every laser pulse, the DCD delivers a cooling pulse to soothe the area. Everyone experiences pain differently, but any discomfort your child feels is brief.

PDL is the Gold Standard and the most successful treatment for port wine birthmarks. The laser targets and constricts the abnormal blood vessels without damaging the superficial layers of the skin. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible (even at a few weeks of age) to provide optimal outcomes. The procedure can usually be completed within 1-2 minutes and can be done safely in an outpatient setting. There is some discomfort during the procedure, but it dissipates almost immediately and the child recovers quickly.  Parents can hold their infants and toddlers through treatment to comfort them if they choose. Dark purple bruising may be visible after the procedure which indicates that the treatment was successful.  This will fade over 1-2 weeks. In infants, treatments are spaced 2-3 weeks apart and 10-12 treatments may be required.

The type of vascular birthmark and its size will determine the number of PDL treatments necessary to achieve optimal results. Typically, port-wine stains require the most significant number of treatments because of their darker hue and thickness. On average, 10 PDL treatments spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart are necessary for small-to-medium-sized birthmarks. For more prominent birthmarks, upwards of 15 treatments may be required.

Preventing & Managing Vascular Birthmarks

There is currently no way to prevent or predict the occurrence of vascular birthmarks. However, there are ways to manage them. Sun exposure can exacerbate birthmarks and make them appear darker, so protecting the skin with sunscreen and hats when outdoors is vital.

Erase Vascular Birthmarks Early

Vascular birthmarks are a common skin condition affecting people of all ages. While they are generally harmless, they can cause emotional distress in some individuals. PDL treatment can help ease anxiety in its appearance at any age.

Seeking early treatment for your child can help make a significant difference in eliminating or reducing their birthmark. Remington Laser Dermatology Centre’s skilled team has renowned expertise in treating vascular birthmarks. We combine cutting-edge technology with the latest research to provide optimal solutions for widespread issues like vascular birthmarks.

You are not alone—contact us to book a consultation and let us develop a customized treatment plan to treat your unwanted blemishes.

Dr. Kent Remington
( Mon – Wed )

Dr. Todd Remington
( Mon – Fri )