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Sciton’s MicroLaserPeel Offers Anti-Aging Solution

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MicroLaser Peel treatment for anti-aging solutions in Calgary.

Sciton, Inc. (Palo Alto, Calif.) has perfected the MicroLaserPeel™ (MLP) procedure for light resurfacing.

The PROFILE® MLP provides the missing link to achieving uniform color, texture and tone when treating aging skin, according to dermatologist B. Kent Remington, M.D. (Calgary, Alta., Canada). MLP uses 10 to 50 microns of ablation to treat fine lines and sun damage, and is not to be confused with microdermabrasion which only removes a little bit off the stratum corneum. The Sciton PROFILE includes the Contour® module which is a unique dual pulsed erbium:YAG 2940 nm laser. The laser pulses are scanned by a propietary computerized pattern generator (CPG) to help the operator create a uniform appearance.

“Most of us do anywhere from 20 to 50 microns, which refers to the depth of the peel, ”Dr. Remington explained. An MLP procedure is different from deep resurfacing or CO2 resurfacing. “The CO2 laser is more aggressive for deep wrinkles, but requires more downtime than today’s patient will tolerate,” said Dr. Remington. MLPs offer light resurfacing and the PROFILE provides different settings to achieve the desired results. “For more severe wrinkling, the PROFILE also has settings for deep resurfacing,” he continued. “Stack the pulses and you can see what you’re doing, then feather it all out for that uniform look.”

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Remington Laser

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  • Calgary, AB T2H 2H8

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Dr. Kent Remington: 403-252-7784

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