Poor skin texture and tone can negatively impact one’s appearance. Women may find that they are using more makeup to even out their skin’s color while men might disguise the issue by growing a beard or sideburns. At Remington Laser Dermatology Centre, Drs. Todd Remington and Kent Remington can help enhance the skin with a few common recommendations and tips:

  • Use SPF. Sunblock is an incredibly important skincare product as it maintains the skin’s youth and texture while protecting it from developing skin cancer. Additionally, regular use of high SPF sunblock every day can prevent wrinkles and reduce redness and uneven skin tone.
  • Exfoliate the skin regularly. Exfoliation is a necessary procedures that stimulates skin rejuvenation by removing dead and loose skin cells from the surface of the skin, revealing healthy skin underneath. Exfoliating and cleansing the skin twice a day is an easy way of targeting problems such as dull skin.
  • Consider chemical peels. Chemical peels use a blend of specialized ingredients to stimulate skin cell turnover. These treatments come in a variety of in-office and at-home options that range in superficial to aggressive.
  • Utilize natural Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants for the skin and can improve the skin’s texture and tone through repair and defense against environmental damage. It can be incorporated into a skincare routine through serums and moisturizers available over-the-market, and can reduce the appearance of age spots, scar tissue, and pigmentation problems.
  • Utilizing oil-based products. While the word “oil” is often a negative term in skincare products, oil-based products used on the skin actually help in regulating the skin’s sebum production for better balance and supple feel. Adding oil-based products to your skincare regimen, especially at night, can dramatically improve the softness and balance for hydrated skin.

Enhance your skin’s appearance and health with the help of our dermatologists

Drs. Todd Remington and Kent Remington of Calgary, AB provide men and women with solutions for improving the skin’s health, texture, and tone. If you are struggling with poor complexion and conditions such as acne or rosacea, we can help. Call our office today to book your consultation visit with our team, and start taking charge of your skin!

Sunspots are pigmentated areas of the skin that are often caused by extensive sun exposure. Environmental damage on the skin can cause the skin to look unhealthy or age faster. Discoloration that develops on the skin and is determined to be “sunspots” can be treated with the help of a trained dermatologist. Sunspots can appear anywhere where sun exposure has occurred, typically on the face, upper chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs. Wherever these imperfections are, the team at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre as a solution for treatment.

How are sunspots treated?

The best treatment option for sunspots is typically a light-based therapy, either IPL (intense pulsed light) treatment or laser-based therapies. These treatments can penetrate deep within the skin’s layers to fade away sunspots and other pigmentation problems, and continues to be the best method of treatment for adult patients. Additionally, patients may ask about other therapies that can be used in also improving the skin’s overall texture and tone, turning back time and smoothing away fine lines and wrinkles. With the help of Drs. Todd and Kent Remington, many patients can find a treatment option that works best for their unique needs.

Who is a candidate for IPL and laser therapies?

During an initial consultation appointment with our team, patients in the Calgary, AB area can decide if they are a good fit for this or other treatment options used in our state-of-the-art facility. Patients are also urged to visit their dermatologist regularly for a skin cancer screening. This is recommended every year to catch the early signs and symptoms of skin cancer, dramatically increasing a patient’s chance of overcoming cancer and avoiding serious problems associated with this condition. At a patient’s first appointment, our team will educate patients on ways to care for their skin each day for healthier, more beautiful skin!

Call our Calgary, AB area doctors today!

Drs. Todd and Kent Remington of Remington Laser Dermatology Centre are available to educate patients on the benefits of treating sunspots and other pigmentation concerns with an experienced dermatological provider. Call the office to request your consultation visit.

Patients who have sun damaged skin and want to improve the skin’s overall texture and tone may be unsure as to the best treatment options for their unique needs and specific situation. It is always a great idea to book an appointment with the doctors at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre of Calgary, AB to discuss the best choice. In many cases, Drs. Todd and Kent Remington may recommend IPL treatment.

What does IPL stand for?

IPL is an acronym for “intense pulsed light.” This light-based therapy can penetrate deep into the skin and help reduce the appearance of age spots, sun damage, acne, rosacea, and even fine lines and wrinkles. Most patients who undergo IPL treatments will find that their skin’s texture and tone is even and redness is addressed after just one session. Many patients use IPL on a regular basis, spacing treatments weeks apart, to continually improve their skin’s appearance and health.

What can I expect from IPL treatment?

IPL is a treatment that is commonly done without anesthetics or sedation as it is relatively comfortable for many of our patients. The treatment is done right in our office under the care of a trained physician, and is performed in less than 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area. Patients can book several sessions spaced 2-3 weeks apart initially until results are achieved after about 4-6 sessions. After that, patients often book appointments every few months for maintenance and touchups.

IPL treatment does not require patients to have any downtime, unlike more aggressive treatments such as chemical peels or laser therapies. This makes it an easy procedure to have done during a lunch break, allowing for immediate return to work, school, and other activities. Patients are often excited to see the results they achieve with this treatment, and come back for routine services at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre to maintain the healthy, beautiful skin they’ve achieved!

Schedule a visit to Remington Laser Dermatology Centre

By calling our office, patients can request an appointment with Drs. Todd and Kent Remington to achieve beautiful, healthy skin. Call our Calgary, AB area practice at 150-7220 Fisher Street SE to schedule a time to work with our dedicated providers and find a solution to improving the skin’s texture and tone.

Women of the Calgary, AB area struggling with mild incontinence and have been diagnosed with SUI (stress urinary incontinence) may be unsure as to the services that are available to them for reducing involuntary leakage. You are not alone! In fact, approximately 25% of Canadian women will deal with incontinence at some point in their life.

What is stress urinary incontinence?

Stress urinary incontinence is a condition that can be caused due to the stretching and loosening of the vaginal canal. This occurs with aging, pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, and decreased estrogen levels during menopause. Patients with this condition experience urine leakage when they exercise, lift, laugh, sneeze, or cough. Instead of being embarrassed by this condition, women are encouraged to speak to a professional about their concerns to learn about treatment options. For some, vaginal rejuvenation may be recommended, especially for women who visit our doctors at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre.

What is vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation with the team of Remington Laser Dermatology Centre is achieved with the use of a device called the Erbium SMOOTH. This device is a laser handpiece that is inserted into the vaginal area and administers non-ablation thermal effects that stimulate the body’s collagen production to tighten and tone the entire vaginal canal. It can also be used on the outer areas of the vagina to heat and contract the tissues. The entire process takes time, with most women reaching peak results after several months of continual treatments. This is due to the time it takes for collagen to develop.

Is vaginal rejuvenation right for me?

Vaginal rejuvenation is not just for women who experience stress urinary incontinence. In fact, women who want more satisfaction and improved orgasms during sexual intercourse or want to tighten loose vaginal skin may also benefit from treatments with the Erbium SMOOTH device. We encourage women to ask about vaginal rejuvenation and speak to Drs. Todd and Kent Remington about the desired results they would like to achieve.

Speak to our team members today

Drs. Todd and Kent Remington of Calgary, AB are available to help women tighten and tone the vaginal area using vaginal rejuvenation techniques. Call Remington Laser Dermatology Centre today for your consultation visit and speak to one of our professionals about the options available to you!

While many patients use proper skincare products every day, they may notice that their skin is still dull and discolored. Certain conditions, such as acne and rosacea, can impact the skin’s texture and tone, as well as its overall health. This is when adult patients might start considering the benefits of laser skin resurfacing treatments available at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre. Our professionals find that these treatments can address various skin concerns with just one service.

How does laser skin resurfacing work?

With special laser lights administered deep into the skin, patients will experience remodeling of their collagen and elastin. The stimulation of collagen production in the skin allows the skin to look youthful and fresh, while minimizing the effects of aging, including the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What lasers are available at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre?

Drs. Todd and Kent Remington are pleased to offer two laser devices for laser skin resurfacing, including:

  • Ultrapulse Co2 Deep FX Laser
  • SP Dynamic Erbium Fotona Laser

Which laser is right for me?

During a consultation appointment, our providers will evaluate patients to decide which laser device is best suited to a patient’s skincare goals. Both of these fractional lasers provide desirable results and can be used on many skin types thanks to their adjustable, gentle laser administration.

How many treatments do I need?

The number of treatments needed will vary depending on the type of laser device used, the severity of the patient’s condition, and the strength at which the laser light is delivered. Some patients prefer less, though more aggressive, treatments which may require social downtime to get the desired results faster, while others would prefer more treatment sessions but less noticeable issues between appointments. We can evaluate a patient and speak to him or her about their goals and lifestyle to help them choose the treatment most appropriate for them.

Call Remington Laser Dermatology Centre today

If you are located in the area of Calgary, AB and want to speak to our professionals about laser resurfacing treatments, call our facility and request a consultation appointment with Drs. Todd and Kent Remington.

If you have a strange skin growth that you are unsure about, speaking to a dermatologist is a smart idea. Changes to the skin may indicate cancer. However, there are some skin growths that are easily diagnosed and removed that are not cancerous. This includes skintags.

What is a skintag?

The dermatologists of Remington Laser Dermatology Centre describe the skintag as a benign growth that can occur anywhere on the body. It is essentially a small flap of skin that has a connecting stalk that roots into the skin’s layers. While these are typically harmless and painless, they can be a cosmetic concern or become bothersome depending on their location. When patients have skintags in uncomfortable places or are embarrassed by their appearance, they will want to speak to the dermatologists at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre about removal.

What causes skintags?

Approximately 25% of Americans will develop one or more skintags during their lifetime. They can be found anywhere on the body, and may become uncomfortable due to irritation from clothes or jewelry rubbing against them. This friction can cause discomfort that may need to be addressed with a medical professional.

How are skintags treated?

At Remington Laser Dermatology Centre, our professionals find that treatment of skintags may range depending on the location and size of the skintag. Removal may be completed with:

  • Surgical excision
  • Cauterization
  • Cryosurgery

Which removal method is appropriate for me?

During an initial evaluation, patients can ask their doctor about the best removal method. This may be determined due to size of the skintag or the skintag’s location.

What other skin concerns should I be aware of?

Developing certain growths on the skin may be an indication of skin cancer. This is why our team urges patients to schedule yearly skin cancer screenings to look for the signs of skin cancer in growths, scabs, and moles.  Any unusual changes to the skin or new growths should be evaluated by a doctor for early diagnosis.

Are you interested in the removal of a skintag or other growth?

Contact Remington Laser Dermatology Centre of the Calgary, AB area today to speak with Drs. Todd Remington and Kent Remington about your skincare needs. We are here to help new and current patients of our practice with dermatological solutions.

Whether you are interested in a more refreshed appearance to your skin or want to correct imperfections, chemical peels from the team at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre may be highly desirable for patients in and around the Calgary, AB area. Patients in the community can use chemical peels to improve the health, look, and overall appearance of the skin on the face and neck. Our team offers a wide selection of chemical peels that can be tailored to a patient’s unique desires. During the first appointment, an initial evaluation is done to determine which peel is properly suited to a patient’s needs.

What is a chemical peel?

The doctors of Remington Laser Dermatology Centre describe the chemical peel as a treatment that utilizes custom chemical solutions applied to the skin of the face or neck to provide exfoliation and peeling of the skin—hence the name. Once the dull, upper layer of skin is peeled off, it reveals regenerated skin that is healthier, more youthful, and smoother!

What can chemical peels treat?

There are many reasons why patients might choose a chemical peel for their skin. Chemical peels can treat various issues, making it a one-stop shop for patients ready to address poor skin health and appearance. Common conditions improved with chemical peels include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Active acne
  • Acne scarring
  • Melasma
  • Sun damage
  • Poor texture and tone
  • Dull skin complexion

What types of chemical peels are available?

There are a wide range of peels available for patients to use, and they range in strength from mild to aggressive. Mild peels offer slight exfoliation but do not require extended time for recovery. These “lunchtime peels” are fast and effective at addressing superficial issues on the skin. However, stronger peels may be chosen for patients who want the most noticeable effects after one treatment, though these do require downtime from social activities because of the amount of redness and peeling that can occur.

Schedule your chemical peel consultation today

Whether you want to turn back time on fine lines and wrinkles or improve an uneven complexion, chemical peels may be the right solution for you! At Remington Laser Dermatology Centre, we are committed to providing skin renewal options for our adult patients. Contact our team today to discuss your needs and request a consultation appointment with one of our professionals.

If you are developing an unusual bump on your skin and are concerned about them being cancerous, it is important that you have it evaluated by a dermatologist. Drs. Todd Remington and Kent Remington are available to assist patients in the area of Calgary, AB with unusual growths. In the event the growth is a pilar cyst, we can help!

What is a pilar cyst?

Pilar cysts are bumps that develop on the skin’s surface and may be referred to as trichilemmal cysts or “wens.” These cysts are benign and are not cancerous, though they can be uncomfortable and unsightly. In most situations, these cysts develop on the scalp, even though they can occur anywhere. The size of these cysts vary, but grow slowly over time. A pilar cyst often does not cause pain, unless it has ruptured due to trauma. Ruptured cysts may result in pain, irritation, rash, and even infection. Because they can be uncomfortable and make patients feel self-conscious, many patients decide to have them removed.

Do I need to remove by pilar cyst?

In most cases, treatment is not needed for a pilar cyst. However, if patients choose to have them removed, this can be done with the assistance of a dermatologist. While a doctor may choose to drain the cyst, surgical removal is often the most desirable option. Patients need to think about the risks that come with surgical removal, including scarring and increased risk of infection. It is important that patients speak with their provider to decide if this is the best way to approach their cyst if it requires removal.

Can my pilar cyst become cancerous?

There is a slight, rare risk that a pilar cyst can become cancerous. If this happens, most patients will notice the cyst growing larger in a short period of time, or may notice the development of other pilar cysts in the same area. This is a reason for concern and should be brought to a dermatologist’s attention as soon as possible for an evaluation and biopsy.

Learn more about pilar cysts

Find out if you could benefit from removal of a pilar cyst by working with the team at Remington Laser Dermatology Centre. Call Drs. Todd and Kent Remington today to request an appointment at our Calgary, AB area office at 150-7220 Fisher Street SE.

There are many growths and changes that can occur to the skin. When patients in Calgary, AB develop yellow patches of skin in around the eyes, they may be dealing with a condition referred to as xanthelasma.

What is xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma is a condition that causes bumpy patches of soft, bumpy growths that develop underneath the skin around the eyes. In most cases, the condition is not harmful or cancerous, though it may be an indicator of heart disease in rare situations. This is why the team of Remington Laser Dermatology Centre encourages patients to come into our office to have their condition evaluated and get a proper diagnosis before considering treatment options.

What are the risk factors in developing xanthelasma?

There are certain conditions and medical factors that may cause a patient to be more at risk of developing xanthelasma. These include:

  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Women over the age of 30
  • Asian and Mediterranean descent
  • Smoking
  • High lipid levels
  • Heart disease

How is xanthelasma treated?

While xanthelasma is harmless and not cancerous, they can remain without any further attention. However, patients uneasy or bothered by their appearance will want to ask their doctor about removal options. Drs. Todd and Kent Remington offer various ways to treat these lesions, including:

  • Cryotherapy
  • Laser surgery
  • Traditional excision
  • Chemical peels
  • Radiofrequency treatments
  • Medications

For some patients who have high cholesterol, maintenance of their cholesterol levels will reduce the development of xanthelasma. However, even after treatment, some xanthelasma may still reappear. By knowing the cause or trigger of the condition, many patients can successfully reduce their appearance and reappearance over time. Additionally, our doctors may take a blood draw to determine if high lipid levels are the reason for their occurrence and help provide effective treatments to adjust these.

Do you have xanthelasma?

If you are in need of a thorough evaluation and diagnosis of what you believe to be xanthelasma, contact the professionals at Remington Laser Dermatology Center in Calgary, AB. Drs. Todd and Kent Remington can assist with this and many other medical and cosmetic dermatology needs for patients in and around the community.

Dr. Kent Remington
( Mon – Wed )

Dr. Todd Remington
( Mon – Fri )